Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

crochet and fabric

During make solid granny square... I starting to feel rather boring.. ahaa.... how could I... I realised that crochet, especially make a blanket.. need too many times and too many patients...

so I thought.. why we are not joined the crochet blocks which need many times to crocheting with the fabrics like quilt blanket...

this I like to know.. how to do this..

so, this is a gregorius tutorial about it.. here,

I wish i can do this... because it's cut several times and got a big result.. :) 

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015

New : Crochet.. (si thole bilangnya : Uwer uwer)

Musim libur yang banyak kemarin... maunya start doing passion yang lama terpendam... craft... especially applique... tapi lantaran kompi jebol dan semua referensi ada disitu... pending and then pending again...

setelah gak betah tangan pinginnya uthak athik.. apalagi insomnia bolak balik dateng.. tapi bahan kurang.. eh malah belok ke crochet...

buta tentang pattern yang banyak bersliweran dan skalian males belajar teori.. langsung tancap gas...
melototin si yu tub.... hehehe...  main pause play... akhirnya jadilah ini

juga ini .. hehehe .. dibawa ke sekolah.. temen-temen pada minta... hahahaha... yaaa bolehlah... for the first launching, it's okey... no problemo...

and today after the school time.. i was surprise.. i got 2 order... ahh... but since 1 muharam one day before yesterday... i try to make solid granny square ...

like this one:  (how neat this job..)

the difficult is how to joined every line to the next line...  I should check another video to get better job...

For me i plain to make table runner from this form, because this house need more cover table..
just enjoy this crochet after finished as a blanket...